
Summary of the wire rope electric hoist maintenance


Based on our experience here, introduces electric wire rope hoist, wire rope maintenance.


A run: wire rope during operation should speed stability not overload operation, to avoid shock loading.
Second, the maintenance
The use of wire rope must be regularly checked and make a record, regularly check the contents of the addition to the the above cleaning refueling, you should also check the degree of wear of the wire rope trafficking, broken wires, corrosion, and hooks, rings, lubricated wheel slot vulnerable parts wear situation. Found anomalies must promptly adjust or replace. Like many other materials as in the use of the early and late, the damage rate of the rope is very rapid. Especially in the initial period, the damage is often caused by the following reasons:
Third, check the recording
Rope has been coated in the manufacture enough grease, but after running the oil will gradually less wire rope surface stained with dust, debris and dirt, causing the wire rope and sheave wear and wire rope rust, therefore, should be regular cleaning and refueling. The easy way is the selection of wire brushes and other tools to wipe off the the rope surface dust and dirt, surface heating and melting of the wire rope grease evenly smear the rope surface, the 30th or 40 oil spray and poured it on a wire surface, but do not spray poured on the steel rope surface, but do not spray pouring too much pollution in the environment.
Chosen the wrong wire rope; improper installation; equipment and wire rope debugging. Use after the initial period, the electric wire rope hoist long-term stable state (precondition must provide the necessary care and maintenance). The sudden rise in the proportion of the final damage, which is the replacement of the wire rope electric hoist signal. Often use the final damage to the following situations: wire breakage, wire rope diameter smaller the wire rope sclerosis. So that these can not be said that the wire rope is not bad, but certainly can prolong its service life.



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