
The electric hoist control box structure, working conditions and installation instructions


Electric hoist control box structure:


Electric hoist control box, transformer box, contactors, terminals and electric hoist control box with a chain of high-quality AC contactor with machine greatly improve load and instantaneous overload, better reliability, more suitable for starting The heavy electrical frequent operation requires protection Tieke quality cold rolled sheet stretch forming, electrostatic spray.
Multi-core cables and flashlight door electric hoist control box is also available in different lengths according to user requirements, the control box lid is opened from the hinge removable, user-friendly installation, maintenance, electrical control box holding chains and machinery chain, two contacts of the same group can not simultaneously connected to the circuit; each control box equipped with electrical schematics, terminals at a clear schematic number, user-friendly maintenance and wiring.
The electric hoist control box working conditions:
1, the ambient air temperature is -20 ℃ ~ +40 ℃.
2, the relative air humidity: the lowest average humidity of 90%, at the same time the monthly average minimum temperature of 25 ° C, and taking into account the result of temperature changes on the surface of the product Cream.
Workplace violent shaking and vibration.
4, in no danger of explosion medium, and the medium does not corrode metal and damage the insulation of gas and dust (including conductive dust).
5, not more than 2500 meters altitude.
6, in the absence of rain and snow (rain control box excluded).
Electric hoist control box installation instructions
Install the control box is installed an electric hoist must check. The control box by box, contactors, transformers, terminals it from the hinge removable for easy user installation, maintenance.
Overall, the electric hoist control box is installed the main attention to the following points
Must check the connection screws are loose, installation, product damaged during transport, a defect is discovered, must quickly eliminate hazards.
2, the control box must be mounted vertically, the tilt angle of not more than 5 degrees.
Trial run to check the working status of electric hoist is consistent with the key, which do not meet the control box wiring should be adjusted to change the phase sequence.
4, the installation should pay attention to the wiring encoding, the wiring should be in accordance with the electrical schematics.



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