
Si Shengsheng core classification of wire rope hoist steel


Wire rope electric hoist an indispensable part, plays a very critical role, while the steel Si Shengsheng core for the cross-section of the filling wire rope Central, increase flexible. Steel Si Shengsheng core, depending on the material, do the following:

One movement: made ​​of hemp rope soaked in lubricant, a lubricant may work. Poor movement wire rope flexible, and the ability to withstand lateral pressure.
Asbestos core: Asbestos rope made ​​of rope similar to asbestos core wire rope performance and movement, but can withstand high temperatures.
, Metal core, made ​​with a soft wire, high temperature resistant, able to withstand greater lateral pressure, but poor lubrication, and in recent years also useful storage lubricants spiral metal pipe to do rope core.



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