
Electric wire rope hoist wire and rope core role


Wire rope electric hoist more than double around the wire rope, twisted rope machine are generally several wires twist made ​​shares cord together by a certain number of shares, twisted into a spiral rope around.


(1) wire rope electric hoist wire: loads from the role, mainly depends on the tensile strength of steel wire rope electric hoist breaking force size. Wire through the cold La Lasi toughness of high strength and resistance to bending. In addition, depending on the use of environmental conditions for surface treatment of the wire, the rope enhanced anti-corrosive.
(2) electric wire rope hoist rope core: to reduce the contact stress between the wire strands play supporting role to increase electric hoist rope elasticity and toughness, and storage of oil lubrication wire, reduce friction and increase service life. Core rope material organic fibers (such as hemp, cotton), synthetic nylon fibers, asbestos core (for high temperature conditions), or a soft metal or the like.



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