
Electric wire rope hoist motor heating solution


Electric wire rope hoist in use, it is inevitable there will be some small problems and small problems appear.


Wire rope electric hoist motor often encountered during the operation temperature is too high, in that case, it should be checked in accordance with the following steps:
First of all, you should check the gourd is overloaded, overloading cause motor fever, long-term motor overload will burn down; motor is not overloaded, still fever, motor bearings should be checked for damage.
Secondly, you should also check one of the reasons why the motor is made ​​by the delimitation of their work, which is caused by the motor fever, should be used in strict accordance with the motor working.
When the motor is running, the brake gap is too small, not fully disengaged, great friction, friction fever also commensurate with the additional load, the motor speed is reduced, current larger and fever, you should repose work re-adjust the brake clearance.
If the problem still can not solve, please get in touch directly with manufacturers aftermarket center, do not disassemble electric hoist products.



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