
Wire rope electric hoist lifting speed, height, voltage, motor power, a description of


Lifting speed: general electric hoist lifting speed is divided into single speed (8m/min) and the two-speed (8/0.8m/min) two, usually in the case of no special requirements are often used in the single-speed electric hoist (CD1 type), if your condition requires heavy lifting need precise positioning, easy to use two-speed electric hoist (MD1 type), under normal circumstances, improve speed to determine the efficiency of your work, the more high-speed electricgourd, the more you can improve your efficiency.

Lifting height: electric hoist as a tool for a lift, will lift height has strict requirements. Therefore the time of purchase, should first be selected according to your plant height height of lifting heavy objects, there 6,9,12,18,24,30 m lifting height conventional, special occasions, according to user requirements for non-standard design.
Voltage: electric hoist because with the inside in all walks of life, so the voltage electric hoist is not the same as the 380V industrial electricity 220V public electricity, and even 440V, 60HZ, 380V, 60HZ series of non-standard power supply.
Motor power: electric hoist motor is not necessarily identical, the same 10t electric hoist motor 13KW is 7.5KW, customers can according to their different needs to buy.



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