
Electric wire rope hoist technical parameters bilingual


1, Product Model Model


2, the weight N.W.
3, lifting height, weight Lifting height
4, Lifting speed normal speed (slow) Lifting. Normal speed (slow speed)
5, the running speed Running speed
6, wire rope Wirerope
a rope diameter Diameter of the rope
b, wire diameter Diameter of the line
c, structure Structural style
7, I-beam track model I-beam track modle (GB 706-65)
8 ring specifications to the minimum radius The minimum radius of O ring track
9, hoisting motor Lifting electric motor
a product model b capacity c, speed d, the number of phases e, the Voltage f, current g, frequency
10, run the motor Running electric motor
a product model b capacity c, speed d, the number of phases e, the Voltage f, current g, frequency
11, joining a number of Connection times
Work rate of 12, the work system



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